Hollywood actor and climate advocate moves to NZ, runs for Green Party co-leadership

Rumours are circulating that Hollywood actor and environmentalist Mark Ruffalo has relocated to the small island nation of New Zealand and is now running for co-leadership of the country’s Green Party.

Ruffalo, who first gained attention in  Kenneth Lonergan’s You Can Count On Me (2000), is an outspoken environmental activist who has campaigned against fracking for years. He has also fought for access to clean water via his charity, Water Defense and is vocally pro-choice. Ruffalo marched alongside Leonardo DiCaprio at last year’s People’s Climate March in New York City and is a noted climate advocate.

Suspicions arose last year about Ruffalo’s newest venture when a man with a crowd-winning smile who looked very much like Ruffalo was elected to New Zealand’s Parliament on the Green Party’s list.

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Media coverage of this rumoured move by Ruffalo has been scarce as New Zealand is not new to celebrity involvement in politics: last year, German-Finnish Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom founded New Zealand’s Internet Party and played a key role in the outcome of the 2014 election.

Ruffalo recently starred as Bruce Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk, in Marvel’s multimillion-dollar Avengers movies – rumours about Ruffalo’s political career were confirmed when the Incredible Hulk made a surprise appearance in the Green Party float at Auckland’s Pride Parade in February.
joinedRuffalo, who seems to be going by the name of James Shaw in New Zealand, has risen to prominence within the Green Party because of his sharp intellect, work ethic and extensive experience within sustainability and leadership. A two time Oscar nominee, he has been tipped to have what it takes lead the party into power in the 2017 election – a fresh, different, and more handsome face for the sometimes sidelined Greens.

Ruffalo also enjoys a broader scope of appeal to the mainstream New Zealand public because of his involvement in Hollywood films they might recognise. Chief competitor Kevin Hague has yet to feature in a home video, leaving Ruffalo the obvious choice for broadening the Green vote and attracting voters who might not identify with more traditional anti-business, anti-Hollywood Green sentiment.

With millions of Ruffalo fans and climate activists around the world now backing James to win the Green leadership race, it seems only a matter of time before James takes up the leadership mantle. Insiders report that if elected as co-leader, he has promised to star in a music video alongside female co-leader Metiria Turei.

Ruffalo’s choice to leave Hollywood and enter politics was certainly a controversial decision, but one that paid off as he seems set to propel the Greens to a successful 2017 election result, and New Zealand towards a safer and more sustainable future. Hulk James smash!

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