How to adjust to the weather


In the view of the high temperatures expected to continue and intensify in second half of the rest of ever, the President of COP and CMP invites citizens to adjust to the weather by wearing business casual clothing except for situations in which this is not possible due to mass food insecurity, land loss, conflict and death.

Discharge Summary for Mr CA (NHI COP2375)

Discharge & Coding Summary
General Medicine
(ECC Standard Template)

Mr Climate Ambition c/o Tim Groser

Environmental House
23 Kate Sheppard Place
Wellington 6011

Admitted:          06/04/2014 16:45

Discharged on: 2014
Discharge method: Cop out


1. Acute on chronic deterioration of climate ambition
2. Secondary infection with self-interest

Past Medical History:
1. Courageous stance on nuclear powered/armed ships
2. A country mobilised to stand up against apartheid
3. Front-runners in womens´ suffrage
4. World leaders in tobacco control

Regular medications:
1. Lactose 20mg od po (compulsory supplement from dairy industry)

Admission details:

Mr A is a 40 year old man who was admitted to hospital after a public collapse. He remembers falling clearly and is able to clearly document his journey towards the ground. On admission his vital signs were stable aside from a seemingly chronic increased temperature. He was investigated and diagnosed with a serious case of deterioration of climate ambition. Further tests revealed a deep-seated infection with gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus selfinterestus. The medical team also suspects he may be afflicted with a dose of ATHB (Acquired Too Hard Box) although laboratory results are pending.  Hospital administrators are currently uncertain as to why Mr A was unable to immunologically fight off these infections given his generally positive past medical history. Public health officials have been notified.

Senior clinicians in charge have advised Mr A that his long-term health and that of his children is certain to suffer if he does not comply with the gold-standard treatment prescribed. He was also advised that his disease is highly contagious and if untreated will cause widespread infection, morbidity and mortality amongst populations both here in NZ and internationally.

Unfortunately Mr A denies that he is unwell and believes he simply´tripped and fell´. Psychiatric input was sought and Mr A was diagnosed under the DSM-IV criteria with a serious case of Head in the Sand. Clinicians are currently attempting to section and detain the patient in a psychiatric facility under the Mental Health Act but court proceedings are proving difficult due to the strong backing of his powerful team of lawyers, the Umbrella Group.

At this point Mr A is being discharged to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as clinicians feel his case is salvageable if immediate action is taken. We urge Mr A to take his prescribed medications to protect the health of all those around him and that of future generations.

The District Health Board will provide clinical updates on Mr A´s progress in the ICU.

Discharge medications:

1. Mitigation with binding targets 100 mg po STAT then 30 mg TDS indefinitely
2. Willingness to contribute positively to negotiations IMJ 1 x per month
3. Contribution to GCF dermal patches (not to be discontinued even if uncomfortable side effects persist)

Contributing authors: S McKinney

Clinical team: Mass Scientific Consensus via Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report